
GlusterFS is a scalable network file system that can be used to create a distributed storage solution. This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up a three-node GlusterFS cluster on Debian 12.


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  1. Three Debian 12 servers
  2. Root or sudo privileges on each server

Step 1: Install GlusterFS

Update the package index and install GlusterFS on each server:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y glusterfs-server

Step 2: Configure Hostnames

Assign unique hostnames to each server. Edit the /etc/hostname file and set the hostname:

sudo nano /etc/hostname

Restart the system to apply the changes.

Step 3: Peer Probe

On one of the servers, peer probe the other two servers:

sudo gluster peer probe server2_hostname
sudo gluster peer probe server3_hostname

Replace server2_hostname and server3_hostname with the hostnames of the other two servers.

Step 4: Create a Volume

Create a replicated GlusterFS volume:

sudo gluster volume create myvolume replica 3 transport tcp server1_hostname:/data server2_hostname:/data server3_hostname:/data force

Replace myvolume with the desired volume name and /data with the desired mount point.

Step 5: Start the Volume

Start the GlusterFS volume:

sudo gluster volume start myvolume

Step 6: Mount the Volume

Mount the GlusterFS volume on each server:

sudo mkdir /mnt/glusterfs
sudo mount -t glusterfs server1_hostname:/myvolume /mnt/glusterfs

Replace server1_hostname with the hostname of the first server and /myvolume with the volume name.


Congratulations! You have successfully set up a three-node GlusterFS cluster on Debian 12. You can now use the GlusterFS volume for distributed storage across your servers.

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