
If you are encountering the "Invalid or corrupt certificate error code -8182" on a Linux system, it is likely due to issues with the SSL/TLS certificate.

Possible Causes

Common causes of this error include:

  1. Corrupt or invalid SSL/TLS certificate
  2. Incorrect certificate configuration
  3. Expired certificate

Fixing the Error

To fix the "Invalid or corrupt certificate error code -8182," you can try the following steps:

1. Check Certificate Validity

Ensure that the SSL/TLS certificate being used is valid and has not expired. You can check the validity of the certificate using OpenSSL:

openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -text -noout

Replace certificate.crt with the path to your certificate file.

2. Verify Certificate Chain

Make sure that the SSL/TLS certificate chain is properly configured and all intermediate certificates are included. Verify the certificate chain using:

openssl verify -verbose -CAfile intermediate.crt certificate.crt

Replace certificate.crt with the path to your certificate file and intermediate.crt with the path to the intermediate certificate file.

3. Update Certificate

If the certificate is expired or invalid, obtain a new SSL/TLS certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA) and update it on your system.

4. Check Certificate Configuration

Ensure that the SSL/TLS certificate is correctly configured in the application or service that is encountering the error. Double-check the configuration settings to ensure they are accurate.


Congratulations! You have learned how to troubleshoot and fix the "Invalid or corrupt certificate error code -8182" on a Linux system.

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