
Continuous Deployment (CD) is the process of automatically deploying code changes to production after passing through the development pipeline. GitLab CI/CD is a powerful tool for automating the build, test, and deployment processes. In this guide, we'll walk through the steps to set up a continuous deployment pipeline with GitLab CI/CD on Ubuntu.


Before proceeding, ensure you have:

  1. An Ubuntu server with GitLab installed and configured
  2. A project repository hosted on GitLab

Steps to Set Up a Continuous Deployment Pipeline

    1. Configure GitLab CI/CD: Add a .gitlab-ci.yml file to your project repository:
touch .gitlab-ci.yml
    1. Define Stages: Define stages and jobs in the .gitlab-ci.yml file:
  - build
  - test
  - deploy

  stage: build
    - echo "Building..."

  stage: test
    - echo "Testing..."

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploying..."
    1. Commit Changes: Commit and push the changes to trigger the CI/CD pipeline:
git add .
git commit -m "Add GitLab CI/CD configuration"
git push
  1. Monitor Pipeline: Monitor the pipeline execution on the GitLab CI/CD dashboard.


Congratulations! You have successfully set up a continuous deployment pipeline with GitLab CI/CD on your Ubuntu server. You can now automate the deployment of your projects and ensure smooth and efficient delivery of code changes to production.

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