
Gradio is a Python library that allows you to quickly create machine learning web applications. In this guide, we'll walk through the steps to build a machine learning web application using Gradio on Ubuntu.


Before proceeding, ensure you have:

  1. An Ubuntu server or desktop environment
  2. Python installed on your system

Steps to Build Machine Learning Web Application Using Gradio

    1. Install Gradio: Install Gradio using pip:
pip install gradio
    1. Write Your Machine Learning Model: Write a Python script to define and load your machine learning model. For example:
# Import necessary libraries
import gradio as gr

# Define your machine learning model
def predict(text):
    # Add your machine learning model prediction code here
    return prediction_result

# Load your machine learning model
gr.Interface(fn=predict, inputs="text", outputs="text").launch()
    1. Run Your Application: Run your machine learning web application:
  1. Access Your Application: Open a web browser and navigate to the URL provided in the terminal to access your machine learning web application.


Congratulations! You have successfully built a machine learning web application using Gradio on your Ubuntu system. You can now deploy your application and share it with others.

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